123REXX.ZIP 87,087 06-16-93 REXX procedures called as 1-2-3 macrocommands can freely modify the values ofcells in ranges that are passed asarguments. In fact, they can modify thevalue of any cell that is below, to therange.
3DMAZE2.ZIP 64,799 09-11-92 This OS/2 2.0 Presentation Manager programgenerates mazes and displays them in threedimensions. Be patient; this programdemonstrates the use of separate threads forCPU intensive tasks. IBM C Set/2 source is
ACLINF.ZIP 9,547 09-10-92 Information about how PM translates accelerat
ANBT2.ZIP 53,091 11-03-93 AniButtn contains the LIB, DLL, and H neededto add Animated two-state graphicalpush-buttons in a program, plus a completeexample of how to use it. AniButtn providesprogrammers with an easy, straightforward
ARCH11.ZIP 3,895 06-25-93 REXX program to display ZIP files in a WPSfolder.
ASDT.ZIP 123,912 06-30-92 A great debugger for OS/2 1.3
ASYCLS11.ZIP 7,906 04-06-91 The files ASYNCH.H and ASYNCH.CPP are theactual source code to the asynchronousobject class. The file SPDTERM.CPP ismerely a sample test program to test theinterrupt and some of the functions of theclass.
BCOS2P3.ZIP 7,962 09-27-93 More patches for Borland C++ for OS/2.Downloaded from Borland's own BBS. This patchincreases the namesCache block to alleviatethe error message:"Out of memory in namesCache"
BDSOM1.ZIP 11,339 10-27-92 Build SOM - a REXX procedure that creates WPS
BEANS101.ZIP 27,479 11-12-92 This is a simple program to keep track oftime spent on different projects. Useful toanyone who is in a similar position ofspending the day working on multipleprojects.
BITS.ZIP 1,649 01-09-93 A REXX procedure to determine if an OS/2binary file is compiled as 16-bits "NE" or32-bits "LX".
BKSHLF.ZIP 1,972 09-30-92 REXX command script that will build a"BOOKSHELF" folder with all of your'manuals'.
BLKOS207.ZIP 41,533 05-26-93 REXX utilities to enhance the use of CMD.EXEin OS/2. Includes expanded historyfunctions, file name completion,associations, file searches across system,aliases & much more.
BN2SRC.ZIP 23,641 06-25-93 Convert binary data files to languages struct
BOOTDR.ZIP 4,469 08-24-91 Source for properly determining the boot driv
BP7_OS2.ZIP 132,797 11-24-93 Patch Borland Pascal v7.x to produce 16 bitpr
BPOS2API.ZIP 40,194 11-19-93 OS/2 API FOR BPOS2 (Borland Pascal OS/2patch). These Borland Pascal units are meantto be used with the great patch for BP 7.xwhich allows you to create native OS/2programs in Pascal.
BTRVRX.ZIP 15,094 08-21-93 BTRVREXX is a "dumb" interface to BTRCALLS.All parameters used by BTRCALLS must beallocated by the REXX caller and are passedthrough as-is in both directions byBTRVREXX.
BUGALR.ZIP 67,159 06-12-93 Unique debugger, provides info about PM windo
C16_A.ZIP 1677,888 09-23-93 Watcom C/C++^16 patch level A
C2CPP.ZIP 8,105 12-12-93 Convert your existing investment in C code t
C386_E.ZIP 411,648 02-28-93 Patches for Watcom C/386 (32-bit) - Level E
C7OS2.ZIP 2159,254 10-03-92 OS/2 hosted add-in for Microsoft C/C++ 7.0
CALL32.ZIP 28,803 08-15-92 How to call 32-bit code from 16-bit apps
CAWF407.ZIP 163,270 12-31-93 C version of nroff-like text formatter awf.
CCOMPILH.ZIP 1,522 11-30-93 Get all compilers to agree on use ofmanifest preprocessor constants.
CDECL.ZIP 30,127 07-21-90 Converts C declarations to English and back
CDISK.ZIP 254,411 04-23-93 Companion disk for Writing OS/2 Device Driver
CHART.ZIP 177,093 04-21-93 Demo of a Programmer's Business GraphicsToolkit. Demo is very good except that thevendor's info is clipped.
CHKEA.ZIP 3,288 08-23-93 An example of C code to find out if the fileobject has Extended Attributes associatedwith it. If so, then the size of all of theExtended Attributes that are attached isfound.
CHK_ER.ZIP 22,237 11-24-92 Error message check program for IBM C compile
CLASSEDI.ZIP 314,263 10-01-93 VxRexx Class editor
CLISP.ZIP 1219,305 10-19-93 Common LISP - OS/2 LISP Interpreter Run it a
CLPOS2.ZIP 89,084 10-06-93 Source code for A Clipper function to allowa Clipper program running under OS/2 2.1 tobe able to start another OS/2 session (OS/2,Windows, or DOS).
CMENT.ZIP 18,776 11-10-93 cMent(*) is a REXX program which eliminatesthe need for complex developmentenvironments like IBM's Workframe and Nmake.It is designed to allow you to use yourfavorite editor, your favorite compilers and
CNRADV.ZIP 134,548 12-12-92 Container sample program that builds on CNRME
CNRADVTX.ZIP 6,913 06-07-93 OS/2 Developer, Spring 1993, Container Contro
CNRBASTX.ZIP 9,526 06-07-93 OS/2 Developer, Winter 1993, Container Contro
CNREXM.ZIP 7,195 04-16-93 C source to demonstrate Containerprogramming.
COLOR.ZIP 5,437 08-24-93 Set screen colors for OS/2 text sessions
COMBO.ZIP 17,076 01-28-90 Combo Box support routines
COMMON.ZIP 316,629 02-06-93 Common/2 Subroutine Library version 1.0
COMOS2.ZIP 111,500 02-02-93 OS/2 16-32 bit COMM API includes librariesfor C & C++. Documentation is in Word forWindows format.
CONTAIN.ZIP 200,531 11-07-92 Sample code for creating/using container clas
CPLAYV20.ZIP 111,737 07-07-93 REXX script to play archived sound files.
CPPTBA.ZIP 19,325 11-30-93 IUCL Toolbar source code. Contains source co
CPR34SRC.ZIP 25,000 08-01-91 C cross reference utility (S)
CPRT102.ZIP 58,324 04-23-92 A C source code printing system (family mode)
CS0054-1.DSK 1473,087 12-24-93 Latest official CSD CS000054 for IBM C Set/2
CS0054-2.DSK 1421,887 12-24-93 Latest official CSD CS000054 for IBM C Set/2
CS69.ZIP 94,238 05-21-92 Compiler shell for Microsoft languages, Bison
CSERIAL.ZIP 3,253 08-07-91 C program fragment for accessing serial port
CSET050B.ZIP 641,573 06-17-93 IBM C-Set/2 (Version 1.0) CSD 50 (2 of 2)
CTC0004.ZIP 2629,396 11-16-93 CSET++ CSD. Version 2.0 and 2.1 - Compiler g
CTC0005.ZIP 2634,298 12-23-93 ET++ Compiler Grouping (Informal) (For Vers
CTL0003.ZIP 1267,849 12-15-93 ET++ Class Libraries Grouping (Informal) (F
CTRLDES.ZIP 23,378 05-04-93 Designing PM custom controls-OS/2 dev mag
DATPATCH.ZIP 20,030 01-11-91 Change the current date/time in an executable
DBASEOS2.ZIP 11,294 05-01-90 Example code for reading dBase III .dbf files
DBMONO.ZIP 4,899 03-05-93 Device driver allows a mono monitor as a 2ndmonitor for those programs that can addressdual monitors.
DDE20S.ZIP 46,864 05-09-91 Dynamic Data Exchange source code sample
DELDIR.ZIP 2,868 07-11-92 A REXX script with deletes an entire director
DENTIST.ZIP 26,944 05-10-90 Resource extractor version 1.1
DESKUTIL.ZIP 24,406 07-30-92 Info on the REXX SysCreateObject functions (2
DF3OS2.ZIP 78,026 11-20-93 DFlat++ V3 for OS/2. Port of a DOS text modeCUA windowing system to OS/2. Described inDr. Dobb's Journal #214, May 1994. Writen inC++ adn compiels using Borland's C++ tools.Al Stevens is the original author.
DLGHIGH.ZIP 19,397 11-17-90 Sample code for Listbox programming
DMAKE38X.ZIP 115,719 01-30-92 Dmake version 3.8
DRAGIN.ZIP 13,896 02-15-93 Drag & Drop simulation program
DRGMON.ZIP 123,074 12-05-93 Drag & drop with PM message monitor coding ex
DRGWPS.ZIP 128,314 08-10-93 sample program that demonstrates OS/2 Drag/Dr
DSHL11.ZIP 13,623 12-22-91 DevShell is an enhanced command environmentgeared towards the developer. It iscompletely (even the on-line help) writtenin REXX so it can be modified to suit theuser's own ideas and needs.
DSIZE10.ZIP 4,871 02-23-93 Display file/directory space usage on drives
DSN3GI.ZIP 120,041 10-20-93 Developer Support News. OS/2 INF format. Use
DSN3II.ZIP 93,231 12-22-93 developer support news. psp's developer ass
DSN93I.ZIP 47,242 12-21-93 IBM Developer Support News 93 issue i
DUPDEL00.ZIP 5,812 10-08-92 A simple REXX cmd file that allows a user tofind all duplicate named files on one ormultiple drives. It uses VREXX PM extensionsto ask the user which file to delete.
E17EL2.ZIP 602,505 07-24-93 This is GNU Emacs 19.17 for emx on OS/2 2.0or 2.1. The port was done by EberhardMattes based on ideas of the port of GNUEmacs for OS/2 done by Joerg Viola.
E17INFO.ZIP 448,279 07-18-93 This is GNU Emacs 19.17 for emx on OS/2 2.0or 2.1. The port was done by EberhardMattes based on ideas of the port of GNUEmacs for OS/2 done by Joerg Viola.
E17LIB2.ZIP 351,587 07-27-93 This is GNU Emacs 19.17 for emx on OS/2 2.0or 2.1. The port was done by EberhardMattes based on ideas of the port of GNUEmacs for OS/2 done by Joerg Viola.
E17MAN.ZIP 642,798 07-19-93 This is GNU Emacs 19.17 for emx on OS/2 2.0or 2.1. The port was done by EberhardMattes based on ideas of the port of GNUEmacs for OS/2 done by Joerg Viola.
E17MIN.ZIP 1302,494 08-04-93 This is GNU Emacs 19.17 for emx on OS/2 2.0or 2.1. The port was done by EberhardMattes based on ideas of the port of GNUEmacs for OS/2 done by Joerg Viola. Version19.22 exists.
E17MORE.ZIP 315,120 07-25-93 This is GNU Emacs 19.17 for emx on OS/2 2.0or 2.1. The port was done by EberhardMattes based on ideas of the port of GNUEmacs for OS/2 done by Joerg Viola.
E17NOTE.ZIP 1,536 08-09-93 This is GNU Emacs 19.17 for emx on OS/2 2.0or 2.1. The port was done by EberhardMattes based on ideas of the port of GNUEmacs for OS/2 done by Joerg Viola. Version19.22 exists.
EMXFIX01.ZIP 262,027 12-22-93 Fix package #1 for emx 0.8h
ERGO.ZIP 2,022 10-28-93 Create a distinctive BEEP sound every hourto remind workstation users to take a shortbreak from their work.
ESSAMP.ZIP 608,743 03-02-92 ES Communications Manager sample programs
ETOOLS.ZIP 32,530 09-01-92 a collection of REXX cmd files and misc tools
EXEMAP.ZIP 45,471 08-26-93 This utility maps OS/2 V2, V1, Windows andPC-DOS EXE Headers. This version includesextensive cross-referencing and decoding ofmodule ordinal numbers into a readableformat.
EXETWEAK.ZIP 12,119 11-29-92 Alters application type so that if a fullscreen OS/2 application is run from awindow, it will remain windowed.
F77_DRAW.ZIP 47,675 05-22-91 Full screen (non-PM) graphics library for For
FCHK261.ZIP 359,915 02-25-93 Fortran checker version 2.6.1
FINDSEG.ZIP 27,009 12-19-92 IBM employee written software. This programsearches the specified segments fromexecutable files. The key word for thissearch is the length of a segment.
GAMEPT.ZIP 7,639 09-27-92 Sample source for using a joystick (w/driver)
GI.ZIP 184,218 12-17-93 Generic Game Interface, includes source
GMD_OS2.ZIP 1118,447 07-26-93 The Cocktail compiler toolbox
GPFREX21.ZIP 1361,074 10-16-93 Beta GpfRexx visual development tool - Disk 1
GPFREX22.ZIP 1021,201 10-16-93 Beta GpfRexx visual development tool - Disk 2
GRAFDEMO.ZIP 19,054 04-12-90 Demo/source code for programming non-PM graph
GUIDOCI.ZIP 16,914 11-28-93 Guidelines: Visual C++ GUI Tool Info file
GUIT01.ZIP 16,467 11-30-93 This note demonstrates how external code may
HEDITOR.ZIP 165,356 07-27-90 Hex editor that will work in both DOS &OS/2. It's a bound program.
HEXDMP.ZIP 26,775 08-05-92 A binary data display and conversionutility, Hexdump supports both bin2hex andhex2bin functionality.
HLPDK80.ZIP 400,423 08-01-93 RL help engine, support for DOS,OS/2,DESQview
HOOKKBS.ZIP 35,715 10-17-92 Hooking the keyboard & assigning hotkeys
HRTIMER.ZIP 23,418 05-31-92 Sample code/driver for a high resolution time
HUGELB.ZIP 26,526 12-21-92 Owner-drawn listbox sample for hug lists (>64
ICCTEE.ZIP 20,642 10-06-92 IBM C compiler filter
ICON88.ZIP 426,754 02-06-93 Version 8.8 of the Icon programming language
ICON8DOC.ZIP 375,969 07-04-91 Icon documentation (Postscript and ASCII)
ICON8_0.ZIP 190,249 03-30-91 Icon programming language
ICSS_E.ZIP 13,878 09-08-93 IBM Continuous Speech Series sample code pac
IMGTKIT2.ZIP 78,385 03-25-93 The Image Toolkit is a System DLL used toprovide a variety of support options forseveral Presentation Manager applications,such as: PMDRAW, OS2MAGNIFY, SCRAP, & IBROW.
INF16BIT.ZIP 414,280 01-01-93 Documentation for 16-bit API functions (.INF
INVOKE10.ZIP 6,244 06-04-91 Drag and drop interface sample code
IO386.ZIP 3,266 11-23-92 How to do port I/O in 32-bit programs
IOPL32.ZIP 24,760 11-28-92 Demonstrates how to access I/O ports w/IBM C
IPFCPP.ZIP 37,359 01-11-93 IPFC Preprocessor (INF files) version 1.11
JCLDOC.ZIP 124,589 02-05-93 App for documenting/flowcharting MVS JCL
JRCPP.ZIP 204,725 03-27-90 ANSI C porting preprocessor
J_OS2.ZIP 135,521 03-22-92 J, an APL-like programming language
KWHELP.ZIP 13,928 05-21-93 New help indexes for the ETPM compiler
LABHELP.ZIP 37,315 06-17-93 This device driver provides a call mechanismfor C programs (at Ring 3) to accessspecific physical memory addresses. Althoughthis violates OS/2 protected memoryconcepts, it is useful whenboards.
LICC.ZIP 15,246 03-03-93 Load C Set/2 Compiler into memory, speed up c
LR.ZIP 335,085 05-16-93 Create grammars in minutes, better than LEX/Y
MAKBTDSK.ZIP 5,698 06-18-92 A REXX script which creates an OS/2 2.0 boot
MAKEMB.ZIP 2,713 04-14-92 A utility for binding message files to execut
MAKEREXX.ZIP 7,604 10-13-92 REXX utility to create a library of REXXroutines to be used in other REXX programs.
MDICPP.ZIP 37,849 12-20-93 Demonstrates one PM window opening another.
MIDISRC.ZIP 6,360 11-26-91 Source for an OS/2 MIDI driver
MINCOM15.ZIP 106,425 11-14-93 C source code for MINICOM 15, a clone of the
MKHKB2.ZIP 37,124 10-28-92 How to monitor all keyboard activity
MKPTYPES.ZIP 29,869 01-19-92 ANSI C function prototype generator
MLTCOL.ZIP 30,093 05-27-93 Multi-Column List Boxes class
MONTE.ZIP 20,281 03-05-93 Multithreaded OS/2 code examples shown at Pho
MSJQUEUE.ZIP 6,910 02-02-90 How to use OS/2 queues from compiled BASIC
MSVC_OS2.ZIP 121,884 09-03-93 Patch to allow Visual C++ to run under OS/2
NBBASE.ZIP 39,309 01-03-93 Shows basics of notebook control, from Colora
NBLOAD.ZIP 42,619 01-03-93 Notebook control sample program, from Colorad
NGVIEW.ZIP 45,746 07-30-93 Norton Guides Vierer for OS/2. Will allowexporting parts of the guide.
NMAKE2.ZIP 52,553 08-03-92 IBM NMAKE that supports HPFS long filenames
OBJLIB.ZIP 18,812 01-29-90 OS/2 .OBJ/.LIB formats
OPENFDR.ZIP 4,252 10-25-93 OpenFolder is a little REXX script thatworks in conjunction with J.P. SoftwareInc.'s command shell replacement forCMD.EXE, 4OS2(TM).
OPENFDR4.ZIP 5,103 10-13-93 Open folders from a popup menu (req. REXX & 4
OS2DCTRL.ZIP 40,384 02-02-93 Demonstrates how to create a custom control.Written in conjunction with an article inthe Winter '93 edition of the OS/2Developer. All of the files required to runand/or build the demo are ncluded.
OS2HLP.ZIP 117,862 12-08-93 This is the first version of the Borland Pas
OS2XLISP.ZIP 98,949 06-26-92 A Lisp interpreter for OS/2
OS2_NLS.ZIP 27,385 03-19-90 Some OS/2 programming examples
OS2_YACA.ZIP 335,054 05-16-93 LR Parser builder
OT_100.ZIP 14,861 12-28-93 OS2TERM v1.00, a serial port programming exam
P2C_1_20.ZIP 719,750 01-07-93 Pascal to C translator for gcc/emx 0.8f
PAMAKE18.ZIP 80,005 06-24-90 PAMAKE-a public domain make program
PASOS2B.ZIP 516,187 11-09-93 A 32-bit Pascal compiler (req. MASM 6.0A/TASM
PASOS2C1.ZIP 371,665 12-20-93 Pascal for OS/2 (req. EMX C/C++)
PATCH212.ZIP 157,678 02-18-91 Larry Walls patch program
PDCURS21.ZIP 285,704 11-25-93 Public Domain curses version 2.1 for OS/2 & D
PHYSCOLO.ZIP 7,881 08-24-93 Show physical screen colors/how to use palett
PICMAS.ZIP 24,257 12-30-92 This library provides basic picture masksupport for OS/2 entry fields. The headerfile wcpicmsk.h contains a detaileddescription for the libraries and theirusage.
PILOT.ZIP 57,567 08-18-93 Pilot CAI interpreter (old, ported to OS/2)
PIPES.ZIP 12,659 01-11-93 Named Pipe Client/Server Debugging Utility
PMDVL2.ZIP 42,668 10-03-91 An integrated programming shell for PM
PMMEM.ZIP 17,127 06-04-92 PM Application. Show % free memory.
PMPOPU.ZIP 3,395 07-08-92 Will pop up a small PM window with parameterdisplayed. Good for command files. Forexample, "PMPOPUP Change floppy diskette."will display "Change floppy diskette.".
PMPRTF.ZIP 35,739 08-18-92 Allows PRINTF to work in a PM applicationfor debugging purposes.
PORTIO2.ZIP 87,085 07-11-93 Port I/O and IOPL examples for IBM C and Borl
PP002.ZIP 46,906 04-23-93 Power Pascal/2 version 0.002 (req. MASM 6.00)
PRI.ZIP 9,372 09-21-90 Elevates priority of program started withPRI.
PROCS21.ZIP 38,152 07-06-92 Lists all processes running in OS/2 2.0. Itworks with OS/2 2.0 and is a 32-bit app, soit won't run on 1.x.
PRXUTL10.ZIP 76,114 06-28-92 A collection of REXX utilities/functions
PTCH70.ZIP 354,553 09-01-92 Patches for Microsoft C/C++ 7.0, run 7.0 in D
PUSHPOP.ZIP 3,219 11-26-93 OS/2 Command Line (REXX) directory push/pop.
RB3730.ZIP 133,847 06-28-92 Redbook sample code: Vol. 1: Control Program
RB3731.ZIP 140,127 06-28-92 Redbook sample code: Vol. 2: DOS & Windows
RB3774.ZIP 373,956 06-28-92 Redbook sample code: Vol. 4: Application Deve
RCUTILS.ZIP 61,642 09-28-92 ASCII - Dumps ASCII strings found in file.DDIR - Prints current dir in double width.NEW - Lists in DDIR format all files writtenin the last 'n' days. Days are calculatedfrom 6 A.M.
REBUILD.ZIP 33,601 10-06-92 Rebuild icons for IBM Toolkit, C-Set/2, Workf
REPEAT.ZIP 5,152 09-29-93 Play a multimedia file multiple times (PMREXX
REXMENU2.ZIP 59,386 11-25-92 Parse text file for menu selection
REXXCOBJ.ZIP 6,765 04-28-92 Information on how to create WPS objects usin
REXXOBJV.ZIP 4,429 08-22-92 REXX samples for use with OS/2 Object Vision
REXXOV.ZIP 4,052 08-14-92 Patches for Object Vision so REXX will workproperly.
REXXTACY.ZIP 166,620 06-09-92 REXXTACY - REXX to C translator
REXXTR.ZIP 122,983 11-09-93 RxExtras is a set of functions to enhanceOS/2's REXX programming language, and isaccompanied by additional functions to beused by other PM Rexx-based based software.V1.9 (2/1/94) exists.
REXXTRA.ZIP 100,749 10-10-93 RxExtras V1.4 - Extra functions for REXX,including VisPro/REXX extensions.
REXXTUT.ZIP 52,507 11-26-93 Some REXX tutorial documents
REXXTUT2.ZIP 52,188 11-20-93 Good REXX documentation. Incl: REXX.TXT: Ver
REXXUTIL.ZIP 28,856 07-11-93 Information and samples for REXX utility func
RXAPFD.ZIP 60,295 11-18-93 RXAPPCFD allows Rexx programs to use theAPPC programming interface provided by CM/2which includes full duplex operations.
RXBKS.ZIP 5,382 01-26-93 Review of three REXX books
RXD.ZIP 149,262 02-02-93 RxD is a Presentation Manager source leveldebugger for REXX programs. Many features.
RXFTP.ZIP 86,918 09-23-93 REXX function package providing access to th
RXLN11.ZIP 189,175 12-09-93 REXXLAN/2 V. 1.01. LAN Server REXX extension
RXLOGIN.ZIP 2,782 09-08-93 Rexx procedure that asks for a password
RXPS17.ZIP 2,901 04-29-93 Rexx Process Report Command version 1.7
RXSHIP24.ZIP 30,772 04-11-93 Makes ASCII encoded binary files fortransfer over mail systems. Unique abilityto include REXX decoder within transferedfile.
S12444.ZIP 15,126 03-28-90 Ifwin - Demo the detection of running in a VI
SCRCOLOR.ZIP 3,833 11-17-93 Set default ANSI screen colors and allowREXX-programs to query them. (used e.g. bySHOWINI, CRONRGF, ATRGF)
SDE.ZIP 118,148 04-02-90 Systemax development environment
SELDEL.ZIP 4,218 02-28-93 Selectively delete applets that come with OS/
SETMOUSE.ZIP 3,085 08-28-93 OS/2 REXX procedures to set (or restore)default mouse pointers to the contents ofuser supplied pointer files, produced(usually) by the Icon Editor.
SHERLOCK.ZIP 117,050 11-23-92 Post mortum dump utility for debugging
SHR93.ZIP 134,842 05-13-93 OS/2 Work Place Shell Sample Program - Addres
SI.ZIP 58,737 01-28-93 CLI & PM program that shows basic systemsetup, free memory, and system maximums.
SKEL32.ZIP 5,620 09-20-92 How to write a 32-bit program using TASM
SLICE.ZIP 7,043 10-25-93 Give up time slices from DOS progs, w/TASM so
SLIDCO.ZIP 53,915 02-02-93 PM slider example-uses serial IOCTLs w/termin
SML.ZIP 358,604 08-10-93 Port of functional language ML (Edinburgh)
SMLNJ093.ZIP 1992,647 10-20-93 Functional standard ML of New Jersey 0.93
SOMCLA.ZIP 9,765 09-22-92 8621 A discussion of Class Objects in SOM
SOMCLS.ZIP 9,783 12-02-92 SOM Class Objects - article in OS/2 developer
SOMFTN.ZIP 562,071 09-29-92 Complete slides/documentation from SOM FTN
SOMINT.ZIP 13,546 12-02-92 SOM Introduction - article in OS/2 Developer
SOM_NT.ZIP 13,542 09-22-92 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming a
SOM_OV.ZIP 4,198 09-22-92 High level overview of SOM
SOM_QA.ZIP 13,967 09-22-92 Some commonly asked questions on SOM
SQZH102.ZIP 23,073 01-05-93 SQZh v1.01 - a C header file compressor
SYSINF.ZIP 54,881 01-01-93 Sample program for the Notebook.lib Notebook
TAGOS2.ZIP 8,688 02-05-90 Public domain version of MARKEXE
TASKTIME.ZIP 27,094 07-05-93 Keeps track of the time spent on varioustasks.
TEXB9.ZIP 1009,548 12-30-93 emTeX beta 9
THREAD.ZIP 5,109 01-02-93 A thread class for C++ under OS/2
THREAD2.ZIP 12,112 09-07-93 A sample PM program illustrating how to multi
TIMESET.ZIP 3,836 08-09-92 Set time base on Naval Observatory clock (REX
TLC10.ZIP 47,203 06-30-93 TLC is a utility that creates a formattedlisting, optionally with a cross-reference,from a given set of C source files. Theformat and content of the listing can becontrolled by various command-line switches
TRACE.ZIP 4,090 11-12-93 PM Trace Window for IBM C++ ITRACE functions
TRACER10.ZIP 26,305 03-19-90 Debugging tool (PM)
TRAC_099.ZIP 95,423 01-14-93 Software development tracking system, req. OS
TSTDEV.ZIP 23,210 12-06-93 C code to list all devices & device types
TUNE.ZIP 3,379 02-13-93 C example for reading files produced by Tune
UPCHEK_B.ZIP 24,220 08-29-93 UPCHEK.CMD is a REXX Program that Automates
VGALIB.ZIP 112,530 10-13-92 Preliminary full screen (non-PM) graphics pac
VGO10.ZIP 384,234 11-14-93 VGO v1.0 and GO v1.0 for OS/2. Execute anycommands on files based on dates, attributes,sizes, and/or names of those files, regard-less of where they're located on your system.by Kari Jackson/Midlands OS/2 Enhancement
VOPNFDR3.ZIP 4,856 10-14-93 Open folders from a PM listbox (req. REXX & V
VPEVAL.ZIP 541,777 06-15-93 Working evaluation version of VisPro/REXX vis
VPRDEMO.ZIP 129,930 05-22-93 Demo of Commercial REXX applicationdeveloper.
VREXX2.ZIP 202,199 09-11-92 Visual REXX for OS/2 Presentation Manager.VREXX is a library of OS/2 2.0 REXXfunctions that will give your REXX programsa PM interface. You DO NOT need to knowanything about PM programming.
VROBJ101.ZIP 279,229 09-22-93 VROBJ.DLL version 1.01 required by VREXX pro
VXRX101.ZIP 1530,103 09-17-93 Patch files to upgrade VX-REXX 1.00 to 1.01
VXRX101A.ZIP 23,069 09-22-93 Patch files to upgrade VX-REXX 1.01 to 1.01a
VXRX101B.ZIP 507,706 11-26-93 Ver 1.01b patch to Watcom VX-REXX Ver 1.01a
VXRX101C.ZIP 2,573 12-03-93 Patch Watcom VX-REXX from Ver. 1.01b to 1.01c
VXTECH01.ZIP 24,235 07-28-93 How to build REXX/VX-REXX external functions
WATCH2.ZIP 35,284 08-24-90 Assists the PM applications developer byproviding a means for displaying debugginginformation within the PM environment.
WELCOME.ZIP 11,549 11-09-92 REXX CMD to build a WELCOME folder withutilities included with OS/2.
WFDOC.ZIP 212,111 05-05-92 Workframe/2 interface docs and sample program
WP2IPF2.ZIP 562,835 07-02-93 Create .IPF/.INF files from WordPerfect 5.1 f
WPS2REXX.ZIP 74,026 08-18-93 Save the contents of your WPS to a REXX scri
WPSDBG.ZIP 14,249 10-05-92 SOM/WPS debugging tool
WPSPRGM.ZIP 22,727 06-14-93 Some small examples of Workplace Shell progra
XLIBOS2.ZIP 103,826 05-29-93 Full screen VGA X Mode library w/demo
XSCHEME2.ZIP 176,552 05-02-92 Scheme for OS/2 2.0 (with OOP extensions)
ZFRMS110.ZIP 281,066 09-06-93 Z-Forms text window libs, supports 16/32-bit